
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Workshop-5- creating charterers

1. -look like a normal mum with button eyes
- Dresses like the real mother
-softer/rounder edges-hip,head,elbow and knees
-clothes are a basic design, no patterns
-Covers most of her body

2. -Head and nose- pointy and sharp
- Sleeves get shorter
-addition of red to the colour palette
- starting to get beetle shape from her apron
-long baggy pant keep ideas of softness.

3. -All weight has moved to hips/bum-accents beetle shape of dress
-red,black,white,more pattern,better/tighter
-fit and more skin is showing from her body
-getting longer and pointer -stretched  neck and pointed elbows
-shorter hair and and more of a pointed head and nose

4. -scissors/twig like really skinny
-huge height increase-compared to the oven in the other shots
-pointy head, pointy elbows
-got way skinnier,hair gets shorter
-high heels 
-full black outfit and red shoes
-has more skin showing

5.- Skinless,needle like,no face
-paperthin body (kinda creepy)
-extra legs (has growns alooott)
-looks alien-not human like
-Not much clothing (spider web rags)
- really tall and pointy
- really short hair,has become hunched over
-fractured bones/ugly face

-Gradual changes over time
-takes more time to notice
-looks can be deceiving
changes as coralines perception or her changes

-colour is warm,inviting,by the end is green and unnatural and creepy


1. 5 plot point i remember!
-  She wasn't happy at first with her normal parents.
-  Her other "mother and father" wanted to sew her eyes.
-  She had a neighbour that talked a lot.
-  She went on a mission to find the ghosts eyes.
-  At the end they had a garden party.

2. Character names!
- Corline
- Mum
- Dad
- Wybie
- Whybie's grandma ( mrs lovat )
- The kitty cat
- The other mother
- The other dad
- My bibinsky
- Miss forcibe
- Miss spink
- Sweet ghost girl

Music im film


Chords-Major- Written in major key,happy tone.
             Minor- Written in minor key,sad/creepy tone.

Tempo- Fast- Makes it feel energetic, Gives movement.
             Slow- When your feeling lazy or slow, or lethargic, boring.

Dynamics- Loud (forte)- feels intense, shocking, builds emotion
                  Quite (Piano)- Draws in viewer focus, background
                  Changes- quiet to loud- build intensely/energy
                                - loud to quiet- drains intensely/energy.

Diagetic sound-sounds added to a film eg music explosions
Non diagetic sounds- sounds that accor naturally wing in trees-footsteps.

-Like a romantic film,happy
- Kinda depressing and lonley, strange.

Opening scene: Minor- unsettled, creepy insecure
 Tempo- Maderate.\fast Gives energy. It has a change of theme as in it goes really quickly.

Mouse circus
Chord- minor, unsettling, creepy
Tempo- Fast- furious,energetic
Dynamics- Loud,happy,playful and grabs attention of viewer

Ghost children behind the mirror
Chord- Minor- tone, creepy, Low- works wee with ghost howls
Tempo- Slow_has momment where it picks up but mostly slow, frightening, lethargic.
Dynamics-swells loud,quiet,creates focus momment
High angle- Makes the character "Other Wybie" looks small,Weak and vulnerable.
Point of view-Other mother-Dominant and powerful.
Medium shot-Gives us some idea of background but not the full thing.
Audience feels- Powerful, We are looking down on Wybie through the other mothers point of view, Sad/Worried for Wybie- he looks small,sad and innocent-First character in other world to suggest that somethings not right.
Directors purpose- To make us feel sorry for Wybie and makes us suspect the other mother as shes the other other one in the shot-foreshadowing (hints that somethings going to happen)

In the shot with the other Wybie and the other mother, High angle shots are used effectively to show the theme (looks can be deceiving). This is demonstrated through a angle shot from the point of view of the other mother. She is looking down the front porch steps at a scared other Wybie. This makes the audience feel sorry/worried for wybie and makes the other mother seem all powerful. The purpose of this scene was to make the audience start to question if the other mother isn't nice so after all. Combined with the use of lighting,Wybie is in a warm light but surrounded by darkness, the director had created an atmosphere and caution- Something is not right. This reminds the viewer of a later scene where corline is looking p at the other other mother in horror as she her though a magical portal into a locked room. This shows that looks can be deceiving because the other mother mother wasn't nice like corline first thought

Dutch tilt- Turns it as if the character (doll) is lying down looking at where ever the is faceing
Point of view- Something bad is going to happen
Medium long shot-Shows her whole body but as its on a angle its kinda hard to try
Audience feels-Worried/Something will happen but not necessarily bad-Whats looking at her?
Directors purpose- To make us feel worried or scared for corline and suspect whats going to happen and ask whos watching her or whats going on.

In the shot the doll (corlines button twin) is lying faceing towards her while she is unpacking the boxes.


This is matariki 

Matariki is all about celebration, and spending time with family. ... Matariki was also important for agriculture. The coming of Matariki symbolized the harvest festival where the Maori feasted on the crops they had prepared. Matariki is important because it also is the time to restart the Maori calendar.

Matariki is the Māori name for a star constellation that rises up into the sky in mid-winter. This signals an important time in the New Zealand calendar - the Māori New Year. Matariki is a celebration of people, culture, language, spirituality and history.

Matariki feasting
The typical modern hangi includes lamb and pork, but traditional foods are also likely to feature on the menu - shellfish, seafood, vegetables, plants and herbs gathered from the forest.

The nine stars of Matariki
There are nine stars in the Greek tradition of the constellation: seven children and their parents. In the Māori tradition, there are also nine starsMatariki (Alcyone) – the mother of the other stars in the constellation.

3 days
Celebrations can last for up to 3 days. The modern option for the Maori New Year is to pick a day between the new and full moons, and this has become the more traditional date. Upcoming dates: In 2019 Matariki begins on 25 June.

Matariki has many different names around the world.
In English, it is called the Pleiades (its ancient Greek name) or the Seven Sisters. The Hawaiian name is Makali'i, or 'eyes of royalty', and in Japan it is Subaru, meaning 'gathered together'.

Matariki is all about celebration, and spending time with family. ... Matariki was also important for agriculture. The coming of Matariki symbolized the harvest festival where the Maori feasted on the crops they had prepared. Matariki is important because it also is the time to restart the Maori calendar.

Matariki has many different names around the world.
In English, it is called the Pleiades (its ancient Greek name) or the Seven Sisters. The Hawaiian name is Makali'i, or 'eyes of royalty', and in Japan it is Subaru, meaning 'gathered together'.

  • Alcyone – Matariki, eyes of Tāwhirimātea.
  • Atlas – Tupu-ā-rangi, sky tohunga.
  • Electra – Waipuna-ā-rangi, sky spring.
  • Taygeta – Waitī, sweet water.
  • Pleione – Tupu-ā-nuku, Earth tohunga.
  • Merope – Ururangi, entry to the heavens.
  • Maia – Waitā, sprinkle of water.

Matariki is a star cluster, not a constellation.
When seen from Earth, the stars in a constellation appear to be close together in a pattern, but they might actually be far from each other. There are about 500 stars in the Matariki cluster, but only six or seven are visible without a telescope.

In traditional times, Matariki was a season to celebrate and to prepare the ground for the coming year. Offerings of the produce of the land were made to the gods, including Rongo, god of cultivated food. This time of the year was also a good time to instruct young people in the lore of the land and the forest.